We have had a very busy few days here, hence the lack of posts! I'll try to remember what's been going on.
First of all, the girls had their recital at Grandma Sandy's today. They did a great job! They each played 6 pieces plus their duet, the Rondo. They were fantastic. We took a lot of video which I will upload. Many of Grandma's friends came to hear them play, which we always appreciate. It's really sweet that they like to come – and they told Daddy that they love seeing the girls every year and seeing how they've progressed. Thank you Grandma for a lovely dinner, a lovely party, and for teaching the girls piano!!
We had a lot of sports too – practice on Friday and a game on Saturday for A, and M had 3 ballet classes since I last posted. On the positive side – I assistant coached A's practice on Friday, which was a lot of fun. And on the negative side, A was hit at close range in the arm by a soccer ball on Friday, and then again in the SAME place before the game on Saturday. So that wasn't great. Her team won in the first game on Saturday against GDS.
The girls had a nice social night too – they went to the movies and saw The Intern last night with Ellie and Laurie Aladjem. They ran into several classmates at the theater who were there to see a different movie, and I think they felt pretty grown up to be seeing The Intern. 🙂 They then had a sleepover at Ellie's and I got them this morning.
N went to see The Wiggles yesterday at the Warner Theatre! His first kids show. Daddy took him and said that he liked it but was a little shell-shocked at first. Lots of kids and noise.
And Daddy and I celebrated our 14th anniversary last night out to dinner in Georgetown. We had a lovely, relaxing dinner, and it was good to be out.