Back to Life, Back to Reality…

So today was our first day back at school and work. Sigh. M woke up early (very unlike her), despite having been up at midnight last night (!). I guess that 11:45 AM wakeup yesterday wasn't such a good idea. She bounded out of bed and even brought A an outfit to wear to school. She loves school – I think she was really excited to go back today.

I have finally gotten the San Diego pictures off of my camera and will post them this week. Here are pics from the first day, at the San Diego zoo.

San Diego Dec 11 002

San Diego Dec 11 005

San Diego Dec 11 008

San Diego Dec 11 011

San Diego Dec 11 013

San Diego Dec 11 015

San Diego Dec 11 022

San Diego Dec 11 025

San Diego Dec 11 027

San Diego Dec 11 031

San Diego Dec 11 043

San Diego Dec 11 045

San Diego Dec 11 047

San Diego Dec 11 048

San Diego Dec 11 052

San Diego Dec 11 055

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