Bad Sleep

I always wonder why I am so tired. Well, here's why.

Chronology of last night:

8:55 PM – Girls go to bed. (They were very quiet during my interview – thank you, M&A!)

Sometime before midnight – I fall asleep on the couch.

1:25 AM – I wake up and go upstairs and go to bed in my room.

4:30 AM – M wakes up and needs to use the bathroom. She wants company. Then she wants to sleep in my bed. We both go back to sleep.

5:30 AM – Allie wakes up and won't go back to sleep. I take her downstairs, let her out in backyard, carry her down the deck steps, and wait until she's ready to come back in. We go back upstairs.

6:30 AM – A wakes up and wants to sleep in my bed. Now all 4 of us are in my bed.

6:50 AM – Allie wakes up and wants a real walk. I am up for the day.

Tonight I have a reception for work and will be home a bit late. Daddy missed his connection in Frankfurt and won't be home until tomorrow. The girls will be sad.

Maybe tonight I will sleep well.

Also – here is a list of things that M has rejected recently in her lunch box: chicken nuggets, pasta (even though she says all she wants is pasta), blueberries, pineapple in syrup, sliced turkey, bagel, egg, water. She ate hummus and pita but said she didn't like it.

I am running out of ideas.

1 comment

a says:

Mommy, you have my sympathy. I hope tonight is a better night for you. It’s difficult when you are the only adult at home and must take care of everything. I hope Daddy makes it home and can help you get some rest. Will M eat an ordinary p and j sandwich and fresh fruit? I wish you well and love you all.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Ann

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