Bad Words

This morning, I took the girls to their first day of gymnastics camp. On the way, there was a car going slowly in front of me. I didn't curse at the driver, but all of a sudden M said, "Shit!". A said, "Mommy, M said a bad word!"

That started a conversation about bad words, that grownups really shouldn't use them, but that sometimes when you're upset about something, they just come out. The girls decided that here are some times when you could use a bad word:

  • M: When the person you voted for for president doesn't win.
  • A: When your car breaks. "It's a good thing that they sent Mommy such a good car, because this one can ski through the snow."
  • A: When your computer breaks.
  • A: When a tree falls on your house.

Yep, those are all times that a bad word may be justified.

The girls had a good, LONG day at gymnastics camp. When I arrived to pick them up tonight – my favorite moment of the day – I asked A how her day was. She said, "I loved it." My second favorite moment of the day.

They were very tired though. By the time we did dinner and bath, they were definitely ready for sleep. Sounds like they had lots of activity – moonbounce, trampoline, free play, even some crafts. One more day  of gymnastics camp – and pizza lunch – tomorrow.

1 comment

a says:

I laughed at mommy’s explanation about when “bad” words are okay to say. The girls will hear lots of really bad words growing up, but at least they understand about them. I’m glad they seemed to enjoy the gymnastics camp. It will keep them busy until school starts again. Hope mommy’s new job is going well.
Aunt Ann

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