Ballerinas on the Wall

Today was one of those days that got better as it went along.

It started pretty badly – two hours waiting in line at the community center to re-register the girls for music class and to sign them up for a ballet class. Gross incompetence would be an understatement.

Then off to gymnastics. Great class, as usual. The girls smiled the whole time and waved at me often.

Then off to lunch with Andrea K. and Aidan. The girls had fun with Aidan and even let Mommy have some adult conversation with Andrea.

Then it was home for nap. After nap, we had a special visit from some visiting relatives: Mommy’s Aunt Janet (who gave us Knuffle Bunny Too), Mommy’s cousin Danny, and Danny’s wife Amy. We had a lot of fun hanging out at home and showing everyone some new Hanukah presents.  Buppie came over later and we had a nice dinner and opened even more presents, including some new puppets and dolls from India and a ballerina puzzle.

Mommy and Daddy gave the girls some new sneakers (polka dot for M and pink stripes for A), and Mommy’s favorite gift so far… a ballerina Harmony Lantern. It’s one of those lamps that spins and makes shapes and lights onto the wall. Very soothing. I have wanted to get one for the girls for a long time. Here’s a photo:


1 comment

Anonymous says:

M and A are so lucky to be able to have a gymnastics class and now to be signed up for a ballet class as well. I’m sure they will love
ballet. I can just picture them in their little tutus. It sounds like the girls are having a great Hanukah time with many wonderful gifts. Happy holidays.

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