Ballet Shoes

Here is what we've done to get ready for back-to school:

  • Bought school supplies, and M's are labeled and IN HER BACKPACK
  • Bought cleats for both girls
  • Bought sneakers for both girls
  • Bought new ballet slippers, tights, and leotards
  • Entered all dates – vacations, days off, early dismissals, etc – into my Google calendar
  • Finished the book club list for 2014-2015 and set the calendar for meetings
  • Dropped off all medical forms at schools
  • Gotten orthodontia started

Next on the list: haircuts for the girls. Maybe tomorrow.

Tonight the girls had two friends over to watch Mean Girls – Katie and Alida. All went fine. They all had lots of cookies and lots of fruit. Those cancel each other out, right?

Aunt Tequila and Grandma Sandy came with us to the ballet store, and Aunt Tequila took these pics:






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