N is going to be doing a skills assessment before baseball season starts up again. It’s this Sunday night. Meanwhile, he hasn’t played baseball since early November. So, to get him back into shape, I took him to Baseball Zone in the middle of the day today (GDS had the day off). He hit in the cages for a while and also practiced on a pitcher’s mound. He looked pretty good!

Hopefully he will look just as sharp on Sunday night!
Then tonight, I picked him up early from Chug Ivrit so that we could go to a reading at P&P by an author he really likes, Katherine Marsh. He wasn’t as excited about her new book, which has mythology in it and might be for slightly younger kids, but he loved her last two books and asked a great question about the writing process for the three books and how they compared.

Like mother, like son.
Tomorrow it’s back to the routine!