Baseball Bar Mitzvah

Today, Dad took N to the mall to go pick up his new suit. While there, they got N some accoutrements for his bar mitzvah: new shoes, a new shirt, a belt and a few ties, including a tie with baseball bats. Some of the baseball-related things that will be at the bar mitzvah: jerseys as giveaways, a baseball diamond on the dance floor, tables named for teams, stadium food for the kids, and much more.

THREE WEEKS AWAY! (minus a day) OMG

We had a nice visit from M this week. It was lovely to see her. Her friend Hope was here too, as they were on the tail end of their spring break in Costa Rica. She is now back in Princeton, ready for classes to start again.

N has a short week – we go to the Cayman Islands on Thursday for a little getaway. Can’t wait for sun and beach.

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