Baseball Pics

Today I got the dreaded Call from the School Nurse at 12:30. M had been in twice already with a sore throat and stomachache. So she came home from school and I took her to the doctor in the afternoon. No strep. Just under the weather. She was playing Wii tonight and seems fine.

We were waiting for the doctor and she wanted to play on the iPad. I said no, only homework. "M, we have to make good use of time." She got today's and tomorrow's homework done.

Here are some pics from the weekend.

First, remember this display of ballerinas in the girls' room?

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The girls and I decided that it was time for a change. They picked puppies. So it now looks like this:

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My favorite is the dachshund pup in the top right. A's is the two beagles in the middle, and M's is the two pups in the picnic basket.

Here also are some pics from the last baseball game:

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M with her coach:

Baseball - last game 018

The whole team:

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Baseball - last game 022

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