Baseballs and Pajamas

Last night the girls went to their first baseball game! M loved it, while A spent most of the night saying, "This is not fun." At the new Nationals Park, they: watched a little baseball, split an orange soda, ate half of the rice krispy treat Daddy bought me, had a few bites of hot dog, and spent three innings at the playground at the stadium with Daddy and his friend. They lasted 8 1/2 innings of what was a pretty fast-moving game (though apparently it went into extra innings after we left. Nats still lost.)

As we were leaving, M said, "I love this place. I want to play baseball when I grow up. Can we come back here soon?" A was just happy to be leaving.

On the way home A told me that she was going to put a spell on some people who were in jail. (?!) Then M asked me why people do bad things and have to go to jail. She asked if you could go to jail if you get into a car accident. ("Sometimes.") Then she wanted to know if the person who stole our DVD player and DVDs in Seattle from Aunt Deb’s car was in jail. ("Nope – they were never caught." Besides – can you go to jail for that?).

Here are some photos from the game, taken by M.

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Today was a big day at camp: Pajama Day! The girls wore their PJs and listened to a story on their sleeping bags. A brought Piggy and Bunny to school; thankfully they returned home safely and without paint on them.

Here are some photos from Pajama Day, taken by Mommy:

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1 comment

Anonymous says:

M is a great photographer. She takes amazing photos (like mommy and Buppie). Pajama Day at camp must have been fun for the girls.
Thanks for all the great pictures.
Aunt Ann

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