Bedroom Pics

I haven't talked about the girls' animal collections in a while. Each of them has a massive amount of animals at the "end" of their bed. It's amazing that there is room for the girls in the beds! Here are some pics. A's collection:


M's collection:

Bed3 Bed2

Both beds:


I asked the girls to pick out their ABSOLUTE FAVORITES, and here were their choices:

Bed5  (M's are Baby, Cousin Baby, Gingie, Olivia, and the chicken we made from potholder loops)

Bed9 (A's are three Groovy Girls and Chirpy)

And here are my favorites:

Bed6 Bed7 Bed8

Tonight after I took the photos, the girls put on a show for me and Buppie, who had stopped by to drop off some new sheet music for the girls. It was very cute. First, they made the announcement that everyone was to turn off cell phones before the show started. M's show was a story about an audience member who had fallen asleep (A), and was moved to another part of the stage by a fairy (M)). Many bows and encores followed the performance. A's was a bit more complicated and involved her setting up for Christmas (like at the beginning of The Nutcracker), and then turned into a magic show. After the shows, M&A gave us a backstage tour, so we could see their wardrobe room, the prop room, and the control room.

Such cuties! Their theatricality does not extend to camp – they declined to dress up for "Wacky Dress Day" today. Apparently not their thing.

1 comment

a says:

I love the photos of M and A’s stuffed animals. My daughter, at their age, had so many I had to set up a separate bridge table for them, and we had to cover each one of them every night. I liked the dolls that each girl picked for their favorites. It is really fun to read about their performance. They are so clever.
Aunt Ann

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