Bedtime Friends

Every night before bed we get into Mommy and Daddy’s bed to read books. Tonight, the girls brought four very large bears with them into our bed. A brought 2 bears, whom she identified as twin sisters named Sarah and Rachel.  M brought two other bears whom she identified as two brothers named Sarah and Rachel.  M then covered one of her bears with her blanket and said that it was sleeping while we were reading books. Then A got her blanket off of her bed and covered her bears, saying "Sarah and Rachel want to be warm."

Books tonight: Swimmy, Ella Sarah Gets Dressed, and Katy No-Pocket.

Another funny thing: the girls have picked up "Okey-dokey." Tonight I asked them to put the bath crayons away and pull the drain from the tub, and they said, "Okey-dokey."

Tomorrow morning: haircuts.


Anonymous says:

I love your blogs. Thank you for sharing all of this with me –and others.

rachel says:

dear aunt gayle
i cant believe it. they named there stuffed animals sarah and rachel. you know melissa our old baby sitter? well now our new baby sitter came. her name is katrin. right now she’s reading with my dad. the book she’s reading is in german. te reason it is, is beacause she’s from germany. maybe we’ll be able to go to germany and you can come with. imagine that!
love rachel

Sarah says:

Hi Aunt Gayle,
Love the blogs. They make my day. Hope to see you soon!

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