Belly Shots

Tonight for homework A had to separate a list of items into 2 categories: things that DO decay in soil, and things that DON'T decay in soil. For the things that DO decay in soil, she said that these are Things Daddy Likes, and the things that don't decay in soil are things that A Wants to Keep. I have no idea how she came up with that. The things that Daddy likes are: leaves, apple core, chicken bone. Things A wants to keep: marble, tin can, paper, plastic spoon. Then she came up with 2 each of her own. Things that decay: banana peel, dog poop; things that don't: shoelace, soda bottle.

M has been put on a spring baseball team: the Pirates. We are very lucky because it looks like practices and games do not conflict with ballet, Sunday School, Alice performances, Alice rehearsals (other than maybe 1 or two), the girls' birthday party, or even the Spring Fair. The last game may come after the Captain arrives, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Speaking of the Captain, I am getting larger. I finally have some belly shots. Week 26/27:


(having image rotation issues)


And some shots of the real cuties in the house:











Tracy Jaffe says:

Finally – some pics of you! Thanks for sharing.

Lisa says:

Hooray for belly shots! You look great. 🙂

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