Big Day

I am not sure whether Daddy was dreading this day more, or M was looking forward to this day more. Daddy had a colonoscopy to look forward to, while M had Day #2 of camp and her Teacher's Treat pool party with Ms. Nickel tonight. (Unfortunately, it was unseasonably cool today, so I think the swimming was a little bit chilly). Still, M had a great time and went back to her teacher's house for ice cream afterwards, so that was exciting for her. Also, Daddy's colonoscopy went fine, and he is very glad it is over. All ok. We had a nice night with A at home – dinner outside, and then a walk up to Broad Branch Market for ice cream with A, N and Lucky.

I took a bunch of pics on my Blackberry today – here are some of them.

Some dry erase art from the girls:

A – Elephant with rider


M – shapes


A- princess castle


A- doll for sale for $19






A pushing the stroller:


M's pool party group:


Meanwhile, the second day of camp was a big success. Yesterday, the girls came home with t-shirts that were molded into the shape of a hot air balloon, and very compact. They wanted me to take a picture before they opened them:


Thank you to Grandma Sandy for picking up the girls and taking them to the bus stop, and for the Costco run.