Big Girl Haircut

Today, I took M for a haircut from Paul, the guy who cuts my hair. This has been an ongoing debate – who should cut their hair? After a recent visit to Nini, at the cute family salon we’ve gone to from the beginning, I complained that the price was too high. ($30 each for two toddler haircuts, no shampoo, that take 30 minutes combined? Plus tip? !!!). Paul had told me that he would cut the girls’ hair for less than that. M agreed two months ago to go to Paul, but A has been holding out for Nini. So I made an appointment for M with Paul today and A will go to Nini sometime soon. (A now promises that she’ll go to Paul "after I go to Nini.")

M’s hair looks adorable. Paul did a great job. And for $15! He understands curly hair and gave her some great layers.

One funny thing: a few days ago, I was trying again to get A to agree to let Paul cut her hair. She said, "No, I want to go to Nini. Nini must make a lot of money."

Two other funny things. (Well, one isn’t that funny).

  • Before the haircut, I took the girls out to lunch. I got them a grilled cheese sandwich and fries. Meanwhile, they were eyeing a chocolate chunk cookie that was on the counter. I told them that if they ate a decent lunch, they could have the cookie. M took her time eating, and I reminded her a few times that if she didn’t eat her sandwich, then she couldn’t have the cookie. She said, "You’re not the boss, Mommy. *I’m* the boss." !!!!!!! I set her straight on that one – hope it sticks.
  • Our favorite college student babysitter, Abby, is back in town for her holiday break. She babysat yesterday for a few hours and then again tonight. I like Abby for a whole host of reasons – too many to list — not the least of which is that when the girls say something funny or memorable, she writes it down. Tonight, here’s what she wrote down: "Alexa: ‘When I grow up, I’m gonna be a mom with two little twin babies.’ Maddie: ‘I don’t want to be a mom. When I grow up, I think I want to be a daddy.’"

We set up the puppet theater last night. A big hit!

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Today’s blog was so cute. Would love to see a photo of M’s new

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