Big Old Jet Airliner… Taking Me To My Home

I am back from Vegas. As I feared, I had no time to blog while I was gone.  The girls seemed to do just fine while I was gone. I left them notes to open for each night (I returned too late to see them last night) and Daddy said that they liked the notes a lot. I also had some good conversations with them while I was gone. A always gets on the phone and says, "Hi Mom!" in a voice that is suggestive of that of a teenager – it’s kind of funny.

Tonight A told me that she wants to have Clara’s mommy (yes, Clara from The Nutcracker) because she is very nice, and nicer than her mommy.  Hmmm. Finally, she admitted that wanted to keep her mommy. She also refused to answer my question about what kind of pasta she wanted for dinner until I addressed her as "Clara."

M told me today that she would give me a lot of hugs today because I had been away on a trip.

Last night and tonight, the girls wanted to read Airport, which is a book about people getting ready to get on an airplane. They wanted to read it because I flew on a plane yesterday. I told A that I had cried going through security, and wouldn’t put my shoes back on until I had a baba. "Oh, wait a second, that was YOU, not me!," I finally told the girls. They thought that was funny.

Tonight, A made a picture on her Magna Doodle that I thought was pretty amazing. According to A, it’s a snowman sleeping with his eyes open. Here’s a photo of it:Snowmanpic

1 comment

Anonymous says:

M and A are amazing. They are so bright and very cute. Glad you’re back. We ALL missed you.

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