Big Weekend Ahead

We have a fun few days ahead. Tomorrow, A is going to see The Sound of Music with her teacher from last year and two other kids – we won this in the school auction last spring. She will be gone from 5-11 tomorrow! While she's out, M and I will go over to our friend Laurie's house for pizza (Laurie's son Aidan is going on the trip too).

This weekend, the girls have 2 ballet rehearsals and ballet class. They will miss Sunday School. These are the last rehearsals at the Washington School of Ballet before the tech rehearsal at THE ARC theater in Anacostia next Tuesday. And then they have rehearsal at The Warner the week after, and then the performances there start on December 1. It's a busy time! I am thinking that the girls are in a special cast, because not only do they do the preview night show (maybe press is there?) but they are also in the Christmas Eve show.

What will we do in January, when there is no Nutcracker, baseball, or Notebusters? Even speech therapy may be winding down in another week or two. I will have to find some new activities for the girls. They've been talking about martial arts.


1 comment

Sandra weiswasser says:

What to do??? How about practicing the piano???
Their Devoted Piano Teacher

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