Biking Lessons

Sorry for sporadic posting the last few days. Yesterday we were at a rehearsal dinner until late, and I fell asleep before posting. Today, the girls had a very busy day. Daddy took them to gymnastics and to a birthday party, where A got her face painted like a cat. I have photos which I will upload tomorrow. She looked adorable! M got butterflies painted on her arm.

After the party, everyone came home and the girls came with me to a book signing by an old college friend of mine who illustrated a book about Apollo 11. The girls seem to think they won't like it because it's about astronauts, but I suspect that someday soon they will be interested.

Daddy and I went to two weddings tonight so we had to leave at 4:30. Unfortunately, M has been coughing a lot today. Nana said that she had been coughing a lot after she went to bed. Poor pup. Not sure what we will do about tomorrow, when she has a swimming lesson and a Great Zucchini performance.

Funny: A told me that M is going to give her "biking lessons," because A isn't as good as riding M's bike as M is. She said, "Mommy, when is the best time for M to give me lessons?" So cute.

M &A have rediscovered jigsaw puzzles. Yay!

Thank you to Buppie for babysitting last night.

Tomorrow we do a dry run of the dinosaur cake.

1 comment

a says:

What a busy day for all of you. Ir’s nice that Buppie babysat for you. Did you know that Buppie babysat for my three children many years ago. She was the very best.
Aunt Ann

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