Birthday Dinner

My birthday dinner last night was very nice. Even though I wasn't feeling great, I got to hang out on the couch a little bit with the girls, and Grandma Sandy made a delicious dinner of spaghetti, vegetables, and my favorite birthday cake ever. Here are some pics (I don't look so hot):




Thanks Grandma Sandy for a great dinner and celebration!

Here are some cards that the girls made me. I LOVE them.

From M:

("You are…. The best Mother in the world. Cookes everything and makes them taste delicious. Is great everything she does. Whenever she sees someone working hard and is so tired she goes over and helps. She understands and is really good at not eating chocolate when she sees it. She loves and takes care of her children, dog, mom, dad, husband, brother and herself. She makes sure that everyone in her family is healthy. She is totally a Weiswasser. And last she helps her children awesomely. Happy 42nd Birthday Gayle!")


From A:

("I love you so much. You are the best mom I could ever have. You always make me happy when I'm sad. You always understand me. You take care of me and M. You always do what you're supposed to do. You treat people nicely. You have lots of talent which I want. You're awesome at everything. You're always willing to do everything. Every time you're out of town I miss you so much and maybe even want to cry. You usually take care of lots of thngs and do a great job with them. You're really awesome, cool and other things like that. You're the best mom EVER!")


Today the girls had a rehearsal downtown from 3:15-4. Thank you to Grandma Sandy and Imogene for getting them from school and taking them downtown. Tomorrow they have a rehearsal at 1:30 and a preview performance at 7 – I will take them. We will be downtown for a LONG time and they will miss a few hours of school. But that's it for rehearsals – from here on out, it's all performances.

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