Birthday Eve

Tomorrow is M&A’s 4th birthday! Very exciting. Tonight, we are making cupcakes for the girls’ celebration at school tomorrow. After school, they are going to Buppie’s house for lunch. On the menu: hot dogs. Then for dinner we are having pizza, at their request.

Tomorrow morning will be a special morning too. The parents of one of their classmates, Gabe, won at the auction breakfast with M&A’s teachers, for 6 kids. Gabe chose M&A as two of the kids he wants to share his breakfast with. So bright and early tomorrow, we’re going to school for breakfast with the teachers.

The weather has been beautiful. Girls are wearing cute sundresses. Ballet today with Miss Eve. A decided in the middle that she didn’t want to take ballet with Miss Eve anymore and had a bad attitude during class. (Makes me laugh because once when I was little my ballet teacher told my parents that I had a bad attitude, which to this day I really don’t think I did). Not sure what is up with her new ambivalence about ballet class because when we got home she asked to watch The Nutcracker for the 2,354th time.

Difficult questions M has asked recently:

  • What is fundraising?
  • What does "general" mean?
  • What is a chemical?

Here are some photos of our cupcake baking fun:

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Happy early birthday to my beautiful girls!

1 comment

Anonymous says:

CONGRATULATIONS to M and A on their fourth birthday. They must be very excited about all that will happen on their BIG day. I wish them the very best of everything. Mom and Dad you did an amazing and wonderful job raising those two exceptional girls. I know you will enjoy them for the rest of your lives.

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