Birthday Party

The girls’ party was a great success. Lots of running around, lots of energy, lots of kids. The guests were: Abigail, Ale, Hannah, Lewis, Evie, Old Aidan, New Aidan, Sydney, Jessica, Michael, Ichi, Sam, Noah, Gabi and Jesse.

Winnie-the-Pooh cake was a success.

Also there: Grandpa Ron, Grandma Dina, Grampy, Buppie, Aunt Darrah, Uncle Jason and Nana.

So many wonderful presents.

One hiccup: A had a bit of a meltdown in the middle of the party. Someone hit her by accident on her cheek, where she already has a bruise, and that set her off. She eventually recovered, thanks to Daddy, who comforted her in the other room.

Today was also Mother’s Day. It was great to celebrate Mother’s Day and also M&A’s birthday at the same time!

Pics will be posted later.

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