Birthdays, Concerts and Road Trips

Today is Jill’s birthday, and she happened to be in town for a conference (for the second year in a row!) so she came here for dinner and we celebrated with cake. She also got to see M for the first time in a long time!

Also, M is home!!! Here is the car yesterday after we packed it up:

Our drive home went very smoothly, after loading up the car in the rain, and M is now VERY happy to be home! She has a lot of unpacking to do. Tonight she had dinner with Phoebe, Annabel and Maya.

And finally, today was the final rehearsal before the 5th/6th band concert. Since N is missing the concert next week because of Quiz Bowl in Florida, we got to go to the rehearsal today so that we could hear them perform. It was really good! And loud.

N did NOT want me taking pics, but here are a few that I took. And I bet that when he reads this post, he will be glad that I took the pics.

The pieces I remember: Edelweiss, Don’t Stop Believin’ and a very dark version of Twinkle Twinkle. There were 6 in total, I believe.