Blog Book

I am working on getting the P&B blog made into a book. There are a few different services out there that can do it, with different pros/cons. I was reading through some of the older posts tonight, and all I could think was, "I am so glad I started this blog." I just wish I had started it when the girls were born.

We did lots of homework tonight. A is still having some trouble with numbers. We're working on it.

I am starting a new job in a few weeks at Discovery, and am trying to catch up on some Discovery shows. Tonight I had a bad headache, so we watched a little TV after homework because I wasn't up to reading to the girls. We watched a show about little people, and one about a fabulous cake baker. Great programming for families!

1 comment

a says:

A blog book is such a great idea and something M and A will enjoy — forever. Mommy, good luck with your new job at the Discovery channel. Please keep me informed about when and what you will be doing at the new job. Give my love to Dan, M and A.
Love to you,
Aunt Ann

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