Blog Title Change

Careful readers of the P&B blog may have noticed that the blog has a new name: Piggy and Bunny and Baby and Blanket: The M&A Blog. Now that the girls can read, or sort of read, M has realized that her favorites aren't in the title, like A's are. So here they are! I will now refer to it as the P&B&B&B blog. At least that's easy to type!

I am in Pasadena, CA for work. I took the girls to school this morning, went home and packed, and went to the airport. Imogene is staying with the girls until Friday, because Daddy is away too. I talked to them tonight and they sounded good.

The last 4 nights, I have slept with M&A in my bed. I like to do that when Daddy is away. It's cozy and fun but I don't get a lot of sleep because they move around a lot. Add Allie to the mix and I don't get a great night of sleep. So I am looking forward to a nice night of sleep in a big king bed, but I miss the girls, and if I could, I'd have them here with me.

I know there was something else I wanted to include tonight… I can't think of what it was. Maybe it will come to me tomorrow. I probably won't post until Friday though. I will be happy to be home.

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