
Today is the second anniversary of the Piggy and Bunny Blog. For two years, I have tried to chronicle M&A's daily lives and activities, and what it's like to be their mom. In those two years, M&A have only grown more adorable, more engaging, more beautiful, more talented, and more irresistible. They are independent, curious, loving, thoughtful, and creative little girls. I feel so lucky to be their mom.

They are also different from each other. A is very imaginative, dramatic, creative, gentle, easygoing, and very loving. M is diligent, thoughtful, caring, meticulous, and also very loving. They support each other and recognize each others' individual strengths and talents. They do fight over toys and clothes, but not that often. They love playing together – I don't think I've ever sensed them being sick of each other. M is a wonderful music reader, and A loves to play by ear. They both love to dance. M is an ambitious reader, and A loves to sound out songs on the piano. M likes to help me cook, and A likes to walk Allie with me.

A sleeps a little less than M, though she's been waking up later these days. A eats a little more than M does too, and is more adventurous in her diet. M is an inch taller and a pound more than A. Both have red hair, though we have heard many different interpretations of their colors. M is a "true redhead", but I have had people say to me "A's hair is so much redder than it used to be" and "A's hair is so much browner than it used to be" on the same day, so who knows? It does have a rich spectrum of colors and highlights in it, while M's is pretty much just red.

Tonight was a very typical summer night. After work, we drove Imogene to choir rehearsal, and then came home. A played with dress-up ballerinas/dancers for a while, and M and I did some Brain Quest flash cards. Then A wanted to do the flash cards. While I grilled some burgers, they caught fireflies outside. Then we spent some time reading through their camp information packet, so that we are prepared for Monday, the first day of camp. Now they are upstairs reading a book with Daddy.

We have a fun 4th of July weekend planned. Haircuts tomorrow and then party and fireworks at Lolly's and her parents' (so I may not post tomorrow), Palisades Parade and fireworks on Saturday, and swimming lessons on Sunday.  

So on my second blogiversary, I thank M&A for the wonderful fodder they provide every day, and I thank those of you who read this blog and follow our lives. It means so much to me that you do. Keep the comments coming, because it makes the blog that much richer for me. I hope that someday M & A read all these posts and get to know more about the people who have played such an important role in their lives.

Happy 2nd!


“Piggy and Bunny” is the first thing I read when it appears. And yes, the girls are the cutest, cleverest, most intelligent, and most beautiful girls ever. But let’s hear it for the writer–so intelligent and articulate and so well phrased. The blog is such a pleasure to read!
And I am her mother! So,in the spirit of that blogger, how lucky is that?

Pat Burke says:

I feel like I have gotten to know you and the girls (and their circle of people) so well through your blog; I am so glad your mom shared it with me. It makes me even more anxious to get to DC and put three dimensions on all of you! You are so upbeat and positive and seem to balance career and “mommyhood” so well. Keep up the great job!

a says:

Indeed I, too, am a lucky member of this wonderful family. As the aunt of Sandy (mommy’s mom) I am so proud of all of you. M and A are remarkable girls who have remarkable parents and grandparents. Mommy, I congratulate you on your second blog anniversary. You are a talented writer, which makes reading the blogs such a pleasure. Thank you for giving me so much joy.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Ann

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