Blogus Interruptus

I haven't posted in here on P&B&B&B in a while. The reason is that we lost power here on Friday night. We were watching the gymnastics Olympic Trials around 10PM, and a violent storm blew through and knocked out our power. We toughed it out Friday night, and then on Saturday, when it was clear that the power wasn't coming back, we looked into some area hotel rooms. Unfortunately, they were all booked. So we packed quickly and jumped in the car to go to Shohola. (Lucky went to the dogsitter's.).

We had a relaxing night and day at Shohola with Grandma Dina, Grandpa Ron, Darrah, Jason, Sydney and Eden. It was great to meet Eden, who is only 6 days older than N. N did well on the car rides – the few times he cried, the girls held his hand and sang to him, which was sooo cute. They also took good care of him all weekend – feeding and holding him. They are great big sisters. They got to swim in the lake on Sunday afternoon, which they loved. Thanks to R&D for hosting us at the last minute!

We weren't sure whether to come back yesterday or stay in PA, especially knowing that our power wasn't back on, but we decided to risk it, thinking that even if we were still dark at home, we could stash food from our freezer at a friend's with power. En route homem we got the bad news that Holton Camp was without power and would be closed on Monday. We approached home under a darkening sky… with precious few minutes left of daylight. We first went by Grandma Sandy's, discovering that her lights were back on (yay!), and then drove to our house. Block after block of lights were a cautiously good sign – and sure enough, our lights were on! We were very relieved.

Yesterday was a no-camp day. The girls were home in the AM, and then in the afternoon I took them to Yogiberry and paint-your-own-pottery. Last night we went to a work party for Daddy, where the girls were happy to find a friend from camp to hang out with.

Today, they are back at camp! YAY! They did miss first period because they had their 8-year checkups. Everything looks good, although the girls' weight percentiles are going up a lot faster than their height percentiles. (A is 48 inches and 56 pounds, and M is 48 3/4 inches and 59 pounds). We talked about eating more protein and calcium and less pasta and apple juice. (And probably smaller cups at Yogiberry!). Also trying to get to the bottom of A's vision issues – she didn't do well on the eye test this morning, so we need to figure out what's going on there.

We are very grateful for electricity, A/C, and Holton Camp!

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