Blue’s Clues

After tonight it will be ONE MORE NIGHT until M&A come home from camp! We are so excited.

We didn't get letters from the girls today, but we did see some great pics, which I will post at the end of this post.

Some funny stuff from N today.

Imogene asked him if he wanted to water the plants outside with her. He thought about it, and then decided he would do it if he could bring Cowie with him. He said, "It's a good thing I have two arms – one to hold Cowie and one to water the plants."

Also, he has been telling me every day that the drawing on the white board at TSNS is going to be from Blue's Clues. Oscar, who does the drawings, is one of his counselors at camp, so I figured he had maybe suggested that Oscar do a drawing from Blue's Clues. But I wasn't sure whether Oscar was down with the plan or not. Today… Blue's Clues! N was very excited.


Pics from camp:








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