Book Club Sunday

Today was another good day. We had our kickoff book club meeting at our house (we always do the first meeting). The book was Mockingbird, so we made birds' nest cupcakes (another tradition is for us to make themed cupcakes for the first meeting). They turned out well:




We had a good book club discussion led by M&A, and this year decided to kick off a new tradition – taking a photo at every meeting and turning it into a calendar. Here is our first photo. We haven't been so good about taking photos of this group over the years (this is our 6th year!) but we're going to be good this year.



During book club, Daddy took N to the TSNS Fall Festival. Sounds like it was a lot of fun and Daddy met some of the parents from our class. N got his face painted:


In other exciting news, M&A got their hair trimmed by someone other than me today. They each got about 1 1/2 inches off. It doesn't look very different.

And I ran 10 miles this morning. So at 12:08 AM I am ready for bed!!

Will try to post pics from Daddy's party tomorrow.

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