Book Fair

Tonight there was a "book fair" fundraiser for the girls’ school. What that means is that all of the wallets (otherwise known as parents) bring their kids to the local mega-bookstore for a story hour, conducted masterfully by the school’s movement teacher. Then, chaos ensues and the kids find their favorite books everywhere – Curious George! Clifford! Angelina! – and start to melt down from overstimulation until their desperate parents promise to buy them the books they want if they will leave the store without a full-blown tantrum. A portion of the sales goes to the school.

I consider myself fortunate to have emerged only $38 poorer – the tab for 2 Halloween-themed books (I am a sucker for Halloween), two Halloween-themed sticker books (see?), two large sugar cookies with sprinkles, and one "Italian sandwich" for Mommy. (No dinner!)

After the story hour, we went upstairs with Lily, one of M & A’s good friends from school, and her mommy Jill and baby brother. We had a good time together in the Barnes & Noble cafe. The other people sitting and reading quietly around us? Not such a good time.

This yearly tradition used to be held at an independent bookstore around the corner from both the school and my house, and while I absolutely loathe the Barnes & Noble where it was held this year (it has the most pathetic excuse for a fiction section that I have ever seen), I think it made sense to have it somewhere bigger. Not sure if Barnes & Noble will agree to have the school back after the mess we made this year.

The girls think that is funny to say my last name really loud, as if it’s a silly word, like "tushie." They kept yelling it at poor Lily, encouraging her to join in the laughter. She must have been very confused, but she played it off rather coolly, as if she was in on the joke. Very smooth, Lily – you’re ready for high school.