Tonight Daddy and I went to the first of our three Back To School nights. This one was at Rosemary Hills, for N.
Here are our impressions of the school, his (short-term) teacher and the community:
1) The presentation in the classroom was pretty good. MCPS holds its teachers and curriculum accountable for results. There is some testing but there is attention paid to each individual kid and the pace in which he or she is learning.
2) N's teacher is very organized and calm. She seems to keep things under control. His full-time teacher will arrive on 10/1 and they are all eager/excited/nervous to meet her.
3) She seems to recognize already that N is pretty smart. She said he's reading at an advanced level. She put him in a lower level at first because his friend Cole is in it and they like being together, but she's going to move him.
4) Two moms asked me for my contact info because they had heard a lot about N and wanted to set up playdates. That's exciting!
5) The parents we met were very welcoming and nice. It seems like a pretty down-to-earth community.
Here is the letter that N wrote that was waiting for us when we got there:
We're very proud of N for adapting so well to a new situation.
In other news, M had a game at Sidwell today and A came and cheered her on. GDS lost, unfortunately.
N was supposed to have his first soccer practice today, but it was cancelled because it rained and stormed for 15 minutes right when practice was supposed to start. Annoying.
Tomorrow I leave for the Hamptons for 3 nights to celebrate 50h birthdays with Mary and Tracy and Sarah. Can't wait.