A wrote a Valentine's note to the Tooth Fairy tonight, with the following question in it: "When grownups lose their tooth, do they leave it for the Tooth Fairy?"
The girls went to the Kennedy Center today for a field trip. It was 46 CIircus Acts in 45 Minutes. They said that they liked it a lot. They each had to have a partner on the bus. M's was a boy in her class who is generally not well-behaved and is very high-maintenance. Her teacher told him that he had to have a partner who was well-behaved. So she was stuck with him. I asked her how it was, and she said "It was better than usual today, actually!" So grown-up. A's partner was a girl in her class named Agnes. She said 4 people wanted to be her partner and she picked Agnes. "Agnes and I are best friends now."
The girls have slept in my bed for three nights and I am exhausted. No sleep for Mommy. Tonight they are back in their own beds.
Daddy is back from Pakistan but left today for NY. He returns tomorrow.
No school tomorrow – 4 day weekend!