Sparkly Shoes

Busy Saturday. Because the girls went to bed so late, they got up very late – 10:15 AM! Gymnastics at 11:10 – girls did great, as always. After gymnastics we went to Pumpernickel’s for… pizza. Because, Pumpernickel’s, the bagel store, was out of bagels. Yep, sold out. Then to the toy store for more potty stickers. Then home for nap.

After nap I brought the girls with me to return a pair of shoes and try to find some new ones. They said I should get some "sparkly shoes". Unfortunately, I wasn’t shopping for cute evening shoes, but for practical shoes for when I am at home or on the weekends, also known as ugly shoes. The girls helped me pick some out, and then A wanted to try on some shoes for herself. It would be nice if she wanted to try on shoes when we were at the kids’ shoe store.

Buppy brought over some video tonight from when the girls were about 8 months old. M had just learned to roll over. The girls were eating Cheerios in high chairs. It’s hard to believe that those babies are now my agile, articulate, expressive little girls.


Sarah says:

HI Aunt Gayle!
how are you! i love reading the blogs. everynight when i come home from school, i check the blog. i am sorry i never coment. i have hommework that takes me 3 hours at the most depending how hard it is.

Anonymous says:

I look forward to reading your blogs each day. M and A behave like little “adults” because they are so bright and so articulate. I love them so much. Give them a BIG hug and kiss from me.

Rachel says:

Dear Aunt Gayle
Ann is right. M and A are very articulate. Dont believe Sarah. She doesn’t have homework for 3 hours, she has it for four hours. One time she had so much homework she did it till 5:30 in the morning.
xoxoxoxoxxo Rachel

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