Busy Weekend

Marathon weekend!

Lots of stuff happened.

Dad and N went to Daddy Camping on Saturday afternoon and came back today. Sounds like it was a lot of fun and N got to talk baseball with lots of boys.



N had his semifinal championship game today for baseball. It was a good game but a few things didn't go the Swamp Monsters' way and they lost to the Foxes. Such a bummer. They will play a consolation game next weekend.

Before the game:


After the game:


M took the SAT yesterday.

M was gone for 24 hours (almost), went to a party last night and studied at Phoebe's today. A saw her at the party last night. And while she was at the party, she was with Hannah while Sarah was here with me. We exchanged selfies.



A had plans out both nights.

A and I went to visit Maggie tonight! It sounds like our presence made her more confident and she went outside for the first time since she got there 3 weeks ago! She played outside and explored a little. And she and Honey have been playing all night since we left! SO CUTE. She growled at us at first, then seemed to remember us, and then hung out with us some but wasn't totally glued to us either, which is good.


N's birthday is on Tuesday! Sadly he has distance learning this week so he won't be in school for his birthday.

And the most boring news of all: we got a new carpet!


It is very hot and we're overrrun with cicadas.

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