Busy Weekend AGAIN

This was a busy weekend, particularly for N!

First, we were lucky to have Amy in town for two nights. She is in Baltimore tonight and returns on Wednesday this week for another night. She and Hobart are now fast friends. He slept in her bed on Friday night. which is really unusual for him!

N had a good, busy and physical weekend. The biggest news is that his team, the Reds, won their playoff game Saturday AM and will be moving on to the semifinals! They won 4-0, and they played the #1 team in their league, the Blue Jays. So this is a big deal. The next game is on Tuesday.

N also tried out for a select team through BCC. We’ll see if he makes it.

He also went to a birthday party for his friend Cyrus. He got there late because of his game, but he still managed to win the ping pong tournament. He won a portable speaker, and, more importantly, bragging rights.

N also had a piano lesson and squash lesson/clinic, and went in the pool for the first time this summer (I think?).

M also had a typical M weekend – busy and jampacked. She went out Friday night for a picnic at the Reach and then to a salsa thing on a rooftop in Dupont (where she ran into Laurie!), then on Saturday and Sunday had various brunch and graduation party plans, went thrifting with Phoebe, played catch with N at Ft. Reno, shared her emerging DJing skills with friends.

Warming up: