
So much to share today.

Today was the second to last day of camp. The girls brought home mobiles and dioramas. A's diorama is of a girl going to the beach who makes a series of sand castles, all of which get ruined by waves. Finally she makes a huge castle that can withstand waves and lasts forever. M's diorama is of rainbows. Will take photos and share. I am sure they will be coming home with a huge pile of art projects tomorrow, their last day.

I told the girls a funny story on the way to camp the other day. It's a memory I have of a clown who used to do birthday parties when I was little. He had a schtick – he'd call scissors "snissors", and then when the kids screamed at him that he was wrong, he'd say "I call them 'snissors' because I can't say 'scissors'". Of course, he'd just said "scissors", which would make the kids erupt with laughter. M and A thought it was a very funny story. Tonight, A put on a silly rubber nose and made a sign that said "Welcome to the circus!" Then she handed us each a pair of scissors and re-enacted the whole story. I love that she listens so closely.

Last night, M took a huge piece of cardboard left by the construction and created this wall of sayings:


Here's what it says: "You are not allowed to be here. You can't come in. You can't come in until I say for you to come in. It's because I have a surprise. It's not because I don't love you. I still love you. I don't hate you! I still think you are the BEST! I have something for you. I love you! Yay! Good bye."

Then she attached a box to the back to make it stand up. She said it was to collect donations from people who liked the artwork she made. Today, she was very disappointed that the construction workers weren't there when we left for camp, because she wanted them to put money in the box.I explained that they don't make a lot of money, and that we are not to ask them for money in the box. Here's the box:


And now to the kitchen. Part of the cabinets are now in.

The breakfast bar will be on top of this cabinet group:


M indicating where the sink will go.






This little cabinet below will have to be returned. It's too small.




Kitchen is looking great. Love the flooring and cabinets. Can’t wait to see what the counter tops look like!

a says:

M and A are so creative. They apparently had a good time at art camp. Your kitchen is beginning to look great. I’m sure you will love it when all is completed.
Aunt Ann

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