Camden Yards

It has been a long day.

N had no school today. He went to the Rec Center with Nana and a girl who lives nearby and goes to TSNS too – they all went together to hang out. N was also happy because Nana got him a piece of pizza and a donut.

M came home after school and I ALMOST made it to meet her at the bus. Because I was unloading groceries, I only got to walk home with her from the corner of 31st and Legation.

A had rehearsal after school and then she and I went to Baltimore with Andrew and Leo to see the O's vs White Sox. We had a-ma-zing seats. We could rest our elbows on the visitor dugout. Some pics:





And in very exciting news, N is off the waitlist and is going to Lafayette next year! Paperwork has been filed. 

Daddy is on his Middle Aged Guys Biking Trip in eastern MD. He rode 65 miles today! He's having a good time.

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