Camper of the Week

N finished Landon Boys Day Camp today. He told me today that he had won an award – Camper of the Week – and that he had gotten a t-shirt as a prize. But then this afternoon, Landon sent an email out to the whole camp/families, and it said this:

Today, during our morning meeting, we took the opportunity to acknowledge two exceptional campers. From Group 3, we proudly named Cameron Kim as the Camper of the Week. Cameron has been a role model for his peers, always showing politeness, attentiveness, and an enthusiastic participation in every activity. His favorite pastimes are baseball and swimming, and he's been hitting home runs like a pro in baseball! From Group 8, we recognized Nate Feldman, who has been a true leader within his group. In fact, the counselors consider him like a counselor-in-training due to his exceptional qualities. Nate excels in all activities, especially baseball, where he's become the Homerun Derby King! Additionally, his accuracy in the BB range has earned him all the top medals. Well done, Cameron, and Nate, for your outstanding contributions to camp life!

What a great report from camp! Congrats, N!

He also earned THREE stars for excellence in BB gun shooting – he got a lot of close shots.



Another funny N thing: today he was cleaning out his lunchbox, and he pulled out the (untouched) container of blueberries I packed him this morning. He said "Up for auction, some blueberries! Going, going, GONE. Sold… to the bottom of the kitchen sink." (He didn't end up throwing them down the drain.)

In other news, M and I did a bunch of college $hopping today at Target. Shit's getting real.

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