Today I spoke at M&A's school for Career Day. I spoke to M's class, but A came and joined us so she got to hear me speak too. It went well! I think the kids liked it. They asked a lot of good questions and volunteered good answers to my questions. They were able to list a lot of social media platforms, and when I asked them about some of the downsides of social media, they had thoughtful responses.
The best part of the morning was the hugs I got from both girls after I finished! So sweet.
I asked the class if they had heard of Homesnap before, and many of them raised their hands.
Daddy is still in Vega$. He's giving a presentation today too and has worked hard on it.
Some pics:
M and Luca at school:
Grandma Sandy's photos from Halloween:
Tonight when I got home from work, N and I did some jigsaw puzzles with help from expert puzzlers M&A. We did the farm and dinosaur puzzles from when the girls were little. N loved them! We also played with a cool spinny toy that has been int the basement for many, many years.