CASA Almost Over

Today was the girls' second-to-last day of camp. It has been raining on and off all day, so I think their Water Day activities were curtailed. I think they had a good summer at CASA, though when I asked them today if they were sad that camp was ending, A said, "No, because I would rather just be with you."

I had a heart to heart with one of their teachers about the lunches. She said that she thinks I am putting too much different stuff in their lunchboxes, that the girls open them up and don't know where to start. Uncle Jason 1, Gayle 0.

Every day I put a note with a sticker in the girls' lunchboxes. This week, they have been dog stickers. I told A that there would be a surprise in today's lunchbox. The surprise was that the sticker was of a basenji that looked just like Allie.

M has been extremely helpful lately. She seems to anticipate what I need, or what I am going to do, and she gets ahead of the situation and helps out, without being asked. It's very sweet.

I am trying to win a free Inkubook on Facebook so I uploaded a photo that I took today of the girls with their art books:


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