Catch Up Post

I have a lot to catch up on. I posted Sunday night when I returned from the college trip with Emily. Yesterday (Monday), the girls had school and Show Tell and Share. A brought a purse she had made from a kit she received for her birthday, and M brought a dinosaur that hatched from an egg that she got for her birthday. Excellent choices. Sadly, I didn't see much of the girls yesterday because after work, I went to see Bruce in concert. He was great! When I told the girls I was going to go to a concert by Bruce Springsteen, they said "We know him! He sings 'Dancing in the Dark'". I had no idea they knew that! I guess Daddy must have told them.

Today was Pajama Day at school. M wore her glow-in-the-dark bones pajamas, and A wore her ladybug pajamas. They insisted on wearing their pajamas all day, including to the playground. I wonder what the parents at the playground thought. (No, I am not white trash! It's Pajama Day!)

M was extremely cranky tonight – I think she was very tired. Lots of tears and recriminations.

Tomorrow is the girls' ballet recital! Thursday is a field trip to the zoo and Friday is the last Shabbat Sing and soccer. Busy week!!

I went to a meeting in Detroit today and flew up and back. While at the airport, I went to see if I could find a replacement for Doggie Purse, aka Clarabelle, which is M's dog that we never found, and which I had originally bought at that airport. M was supposed to bring Clarabelle to Show Tell and Share several weeks ago, and it disappeared. It still hasn't turned up. So I got her a replacement Clarabelle and also bought A a different dog-in-a-purse, which she named Softie.

Here is M's purse (though this one is pink and hers is purple):


Here is A's new purse:


And here are some phtoos from the college tour weekend with Emily. This was my freshman room and dorm:

College` College2

Here is Dave Binder performing for Brown seniors:


Here is where I lived senior year of college:

College4 College5

Here is where I lived in law school:


Here are HLS landmarks The Hark and Gannett House, previous home to Grampy and our president, Barack Obama:

College7 College8

Apparently we didn't take any photos at Tufts! Sorry Daddy!

And here are some photos from dinner at Buppie's house with Buppie and Tequila on Sunday night (A took the last two):


Group1 Group2

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