Catching Up

It has been a while since I've posted! Late playoff games, company here, a night out last night… all conspiring against me.

Nats are losing playoff game against LA. Not good. We're going to the game tomorrow night, meaning that once again we may be there for the last night of a season. Sigh.

Highlights from the weekend:

1) M&A went to a sleepover birthday party last night for their friend Annabel. It was a late night and we didn't get them til 11 this AM. They said it was fun.

2) A went to the one-act plays at Sidwell tonight. She said that they were funny. She is also having huge success with her Tik Toks. One tonight has been seen by some insane number of people and liked by 20,000. That's huge.

3) Last night we needed a sitter and Caleb stayed with N! Laurie was here for a few hours of it, which was really sweet. N and Caleb played a new baseball board game I got him at the MCPOM sale, and they did a lot of stuff with Caleb's baseball cards. I think they both had a great time!

Some pics:

N watching a better game on Friday:


N walking into school with his friends on Friday:



M&N with his new favorite book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid




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