Catching Up!

I was really tired last night and fell asleep without posting on P&B&B&B, which is too bad because I have a lot of great content! I will share it over the next few days. In the meantime, here is an update.

  • The little boy had his one-year checkup yesterday. He is doing great! No concerns. He is still in the 98th percentile for weight and head circumference, and he's in the 95th percentile for height. He weighs 26lbs 10 oz, and he's 31 inches tall. We are going to turn his carseats forward because he's just too long to be facing backwards.
  • The girls had a visit to the orthodontist this morning. M has a crossbite but nothing else to do right now until some grownup teeth come in that need to be extracted. A is getting on the extraction train and needs 4 baby teeth removed this summer. We're going to do it after camp ends and before school starts so that she won't have to miss any days of camp.
  • We are in the home stretch with school – only 7 1/2 days left after today! Even M is getting excited.
  • M has a playoff game on Saturday, and if they win, they play again on Sunday. After that, all extracurricular activities except piano are done for the year! We've had the Spring Performance in ballet, the Notebusters concert, the last day of Sunday School and the Girls on the Run race. This Sunday is the final mother-daughter book club meeting.
  • A has a voice lesson on Saturday.

Here is where we are with puzzles. We finished this puzzle, which was a lot harder than we expected.



And then last night we did this puzzle, which was a gift from Lily and is a puzzle of a photo from the girls' birthday party:



That one was easy and fun. We aren't sure which we will do next – either 500-piece candy wrapper or possibly one of Russian churches. We have some 1,000-piece ones from Aunt Deb and Uncle Jonathan, but we aren't going to try those until we've done 10 500-piece ones. Here are the ones we've done: ice cream sundaes, crayons, castle, postcards/travel, fish, birthday party.

And here are some more pictures from Aunt Tequila from the weekend.


Birthday party-4198(1)





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