Catching Up!

I didn't blog for the last few days, and what a few days I missed! Wow. OK, here's what happened since last Thursday.

On Friday, A turned in her ancestor project:

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It includes a written report, a map of where her ancestors are from, a picture of Grandma Sandy making latkes, a picture of latkes, and Great Great Grandma Sadie's latke recipe.

Daddy came to get the girls early from school and they went downtown for a holiday party for Af-Pak with the Secretary of State. Here's what happened:

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State Dept 047

After the party, it was time for Nutcracker Performance #6. Daddy and I didn't go to it, which always makes the girls sad (I am seeing 6 total, and Daddy is seeing 5 total, so we don't feel THAT bad about it). Apparently all went well. Friday night we ordered a pizza and relaxed at home after the ballet.

On Saturday, we went Christmas shopping. At the mall. On a Saturday in December. Ugh. It was crowded but we got a lot accomplished. I was so tired by the time we got home that I could barely stay on my feet. Daddy and I went to a Christmas party while the girls stayed home and watched the Nutcracker from Lincoln Center which was on earlier in the week. They HATED it. Didn't like the arrangement, didn't like the choreoegraphy, and hated the snow angels! They couldn't stop talking about how much they disliked it.

Yesterday was another marathon day. The girls had their Hanukah party at Sunday school. Then I picked them up and dropped them at their friend Julia's, who was having a movie birthday. They went to the movie theater to see Chipwrecked, which was a hit except for one scary part, according to M. They had to miss cupcakes back at Julia's because it was Nutcracker time again. Another GREAT performance last night at 5:30. The Mayor was in it this time, playing the guest role of Frederick Douglass. Daddy and I waited to buy tickets and we ended up getting great, inexpensive seats in the 5th row. We could see so closely, and from a new angle, which made it all the more fun.

We picked up the girls after intermission and took them home for a Vietnamese food dinner, which they sort of liked but not much. We capped off the night with an episode of Next Great Baker and then they went to sleep.

Today was another big day – M turned in her project:

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It has very similar elements to A's project.

Then the girls left for a field trip at the White House! Such busy and important kids. 🙂

I haven't seen them yet (am uploading these pictures at the office) so I will get the full scoop when I get home. I did get this picture of A's group before leaving the school from a friend who was chaperoning:


And M has to recite a poem today – as part of the immigration theme, it's the Emma Lazarus poem from the Statue of Liberty:

Give me your tired, your poor

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free

The wretched refuse of your teeming shores

Give these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me

I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

I am proud to report that I wrote that from memory, having memorized it myself while in grade school.

Oh, and tons of Hanukah presents are now wrapped and under the piano.

Whew! What a few days the girls have had!


1 comment

DebbieWager says:

Gayle — LOVE the photos of the girls with Hillary Clinton! In the Lazarus poem, I think it’s “SEND” these, not “Give” these. (Just want to make sure you know how religious I am about reading your blog!

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