Catching up!

Oh am I behind on the blog. I haven't posted since last Tuesday, and a lot has happened since then! I have a lot of photos and some videos to upload as well – will do some of it tomorrow and will post them throughout the week.

I last posted on Tuesday night, when Amy and Shelby were still here. Wednesday was a nice day off from work (the girls were at school). I went to Grandma Sandy's in the morning and she taught me – finally – how to make a pie from scratch. We each made an apple pie and she showed me all of her techniques and secrets. And I will note that it came out very well! I didn't try hers but she got to try mine and we were both happy with the results.

Then I dropped off Lucky at his sitter's for two nights- the woman who fostered him before we adopted him. He had a great time there. He played with her dogs and enjoyed a lot of attention and snuggling. He hasn't snapped or barked much since he got home, so hopefully whatever he was going through last week is out of his system!

After the girls came home from school, we left for PA. It took about 6 hours to get there but it was an easy ride.

We had a fun few days in PA. Thanksgiving dinner was delicious, with dishes contributed by everyone. Great turkey. The days were relaxing and the weather was chilly but sunny and the lake is as beautiful as ever. The girls enjoyed watching the Macy's parade and hanging out with Sydney, Darrah, Jason and Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron. We also introduced them to Clue – Mr. Green in the billiard room with the wrench – and Battleship. M and I had a few good games of foosball and pool on Friday AM.

One highlight – Uncle Jonathan flew to northern NJ from Montclair in his plane and met me there. I picked him up in Sussex and drove him back to the lake house. He got to see everyone and have a few desserts, and then the girls and I drove him back to the airstrip where we got to watch him take off. He then flew over the house in Shohola, where he had an audience waiting for him. He did some aerobatics and put on quite a show.

We drove back to DC on Friday evening and got home around 11. Little did the girls know, we made a pitstop at Toys R Us on the way home and got them a bunch of board games – Sorry, Boggle, Scrabble, Life, Rummikub, and a splurge on Electronic Battleship (which I remember having and loving as a kid). We picked up Lucky around 10:30 and were happy to see him.

Yesterday was a great day. The girls had a rehearsal at THEARC in Anacostia at 11, and then their first Nutcracker performance at 1. They were WONDERFUL. They have 4 entrances and exits and they were just beaming the whole time. M said that she was so nervous beforehand that she was trembling! But she was smiling and calm and did a wonderful job. M&A are the front (of 12) snow angels because of their height, which ends up being totally advantageous because they are the only snow angels the audience can see some of the time. We were so proud of them.

Last night we went to see The Muppets, which we liked a little more than the girls did. Lots of 70s and 80s references. Thankfully there was a Selena Gomez cameo that got the girls' attention.

Today, we lazed around a bit. I tended to the living creatures in the house: changed the fish tank, watered the plants, bathed Lucky and took him for a walk in the park, went grocery shopping, and did laundry. Everyone is clean and fed! M&A had a playdate with their friend Emily and then had a piano lesson. Grandma Sandy stayed for dinner and played a game of Pictionary with us – kids vs grownups. Kids won.

So that brings us up to date! I can't believe how behind I was. I have pics and video of: Grampy's birthday dinner, M&A's class presentations on American Indians, the Notebusters concert, Thanksgiving, and the first Nutcracker performance. I will start with Grampy's dinner and the class presentations and try to upload the rest tomorrow.

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OK, that's enough for tonight. More to share tomorrow.

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