Catching Up

I haven't blogged for a few days. Trying to get into the routine of my new job, and some other things to do at night – I have been pretty tired. I keep falling asleep before I get a chance to blog. It has been a pretty normal week. The girls are feeling well, they are enjoying their activities – last day of gymnastics yesterday, piano lesson from Grandma Sandy today. We had parent-teacher conferences on Monday and they went well. The girls' teacher said that they are both doing fine. They participate well, they behave nicely, and they are learning along with everyone else. We talked about how A doesn't like to do things until she can do them perfectly, and that M is always willing to give something a try. A is a little more reserved at school than M (academically), while M is exuberant. A is very social and knows kids in the other classes. Both of them like to hang out with the girls, but A also likes to hang out with the boys. The teacher would like to see A have more confidence in her abilities. I forgot to ask if A is peeing enough and whether A seems to have trouble opening her food items at lunch. Generally, it was a good conference and we walked out feeling happy about the girl, the school, and their teacher.

A few other things she said:

M is good at detailed illustrations, she likes to try to sound things out, she has good detail and sentence structure, she likes to work things out, she always has her hand up, she is involved conversationally.

A is also good at detailed illustrations, she wants things to be perfect, she is more passive, she thinks things through, she is chatty with her neighbors and more social, she is afraid to fail.

Today I called home and they were watching Rachael Ray on TV. M said "I am watching a food show. I think you should go on and show everyone how well you can make chili." Awww.

That just about brings us up to date. I asked Grandma Sandy how the lessons went today and here was her report:

They were good–not great.  I worked with naming the keys with Alexa.  I would name a key, she would play it, then another and then she would try to guess the song I was leading to.  This is for her knowing the names of the keys.

Maddie wanted to review the pieces she's learned so far in the book.  That was very worthwhile.


1 comment

a says:

I thought I had missed a few blogs, but I see that you just skipped them. I enjoyed reading about how well M and A are doing in school, and how they are doing with their piano lessons with Grandma Sandy. Mommy and Daddy, you must be very proud of your two wonderful and beautiful girls.
Aunt Ann

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