Catching Up and N First Day of School

I haven't posted in a few days – here are some things to catch up on.

A had her first soccer practice today. She seems much more confident this year and was happy after practice. Her first game is tomorrow morning. Lafayette is playing 3 games in a row tomorrow but A can only play in the first one because I have to get to the Hoffman bat mitzvah and A has ballet.

The girls have been decorating a pointe shoe for a contest at WSB. They have meticulously drawn several characters from the Nutcracker on it and it looks amazing. I will take photos of it tomorrow before we turn it in.

N had his first (sort of) school day today at TSNS! Imogene and I took him for 45 minutes today to an open house in his classroom. It is the CUTEST room. He played with the water table (first place he went), play-doh, some dot paints, instruments, and a little bit with trucks. Here he is singing a song with his new teacher. She was so sweet with him – she sang 4 songs with just him – ABCD, Row Row Row Your Boat, Take Me Out To The Ballgame, and I've Been Working On The Railroad.

Photo 2 (6)

Photo 1 (11)

His tote bag is blue.

The girls and I went to see Shear Madness tonight at the Ken Cen using some volunteer tickets that Grandma got. The girls LOVED it. They got to interact with the characters on stage, and they were called out as "Nancy Drew" for trying to solve the mystery. We even chatted with a few of the actors when we came back from intermission (they were still on stage). The girls told me a few times how much fun they were having and that they want to go and see it again, especially because every night has a different ending. Thanks, Grandma!

Photo 3 (6)

M has joined a softball team for girls 12 and under. Her first practice with the new team is tomorrow and her first game is on Sunday. Fingers crossed!

A few other notable things from the week – Daddy's on-off-on-off-on-off trip to Cardiff/Afghanistan, which ended on "off" – yay! And a meeting with the new principal at Lafayette about A's teacher situation, which went better than expected but still leaves some unanswered questions.

Ok, it's late and I must sleep.

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