Categories April 2011

Cute Homework

Birthday invitations are done and will be mailed tomorrow. Really hoping that a good chunk of girls can't come – we are way over. M is going to the doctor tomorrow AM. She has been complaining of headaches so we…

Categories April 2011

The Weekend By The Numbers

Busy weekend! Here goes… Signs that spring fever has hit: Several! I did the following today – planted pansies, onions, and assorted other flowers; hung pansy hanging plants; gave Allie a bath; vaccuumed my car and scrubbed the floor mats;…

Categories April 2011

Shopping and Eurobobble

I am very tired tonight because… I took the girls outlet shopping today. Long ride, then lots of shopping, then long ride home. The good news is that we got lots of cute stuff and the girls will look adorable…

Categories April 2011

Report Cards!

I have fallen asleep without posting the last two nights. I think I was tired! But it's Friday at 10:38PM and I am awake enough to write a post, finally. First, here is something funny that happened this week. Grandma…

Categories April 2011

Sick Day

After school yesterday, M wasn't feeling well. When I got home, she had a fever (100.7), and she was very droopy last night. She stayed home from school today, with Imogene, and watched movies, TV and Grandma Sandy's DVD of…