Categories April 2012

Latest Developments

Here's what's new today… 1) A has to do an Animal Postcard this week, where she writes a postcard to herself as if she were an animal. She has decided to write as if she is an opossum. Tonight we…

Categories April 2012

Weekend Report

So much for slowing down in the 8th month! We had a jampacked weekend, as always, with lots of activities and stuff going on. Friday I left work a little early and went to M's baseball game. I missed her…

Categories April 2012

Thursday Report

Relatively uneventful Thursday. The girls say that the math test they took this morning was easier than the reading one they took Tuesday and Wednesday. Tomorrow is the last day of testing. Notebusters was fine, according to A. I worked…

Categories April 2012

CD Cover Photos

In my efforts to be super-organized this spring, I have been getting things done way in advance. (I'm always worried about the threat of being put on bedrest.) So a few weeks ago, I got the girls' birthday CD labels…

Categories April 2012


Lots of things from today: M had an orthodontist appointment this morning, and all is looking very good. Her crossbite is self-correcting, and things are where they should be. She doesn't have to go back until October. We are very…

Categories April 2012


What a weekend! It was jam-packed with activities, most notably two more Alice performances. The girls did a wonderful job. We are so proud of them! On Saturday night, we were able to bring the girls into the theater and…

Categories April 2012

Friday Respite

We are in the oasis between performances today – the other cast is performing tonight and the girls are performing Saturday and Sunday. That's good because we have two very sleepy girls. They woke up very tired this morning, understandably…

Categories April 2012

Erev Alice

M & A been playing a math game online where they accrue points by playing games that require them to answer math problems. M has gotten very competitive and wants to catch up to the other players in her class,…