Categories April 2012

End of Spring Break

We are back in DC! We had a nice breakfast overlooking the lake in Shohola, with lots of matzah and even some Passover desserts. We arrived back home around 3:45, after picking up Lucky, and had a quick turnaround to…

Categories April 2012

Easter Sunday in Shohola

Today was a nice, mellow day here in PA. Daddy wasn't feeling well – he starting feeling sick on Saturday during our drive up – and he slept in late. The girls and I hung around the house in the…

Categories April 2012

Passover II

Checking in from beautiful Shohola. We had an easy trip up here today – got in around 5PM. The girls listened to audiobooks on the way up, which they are really enjoying. We finished our book club book on Monday…

Categories April 2012

Happy Passover!

Tonight is the first night of Passover. We are going to Grandma Sandy's tonight for a seder, and then heading to Pennsylvania tomorrow to spend the second night with Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron. The girls had another fun vacation…

Categories April 2012

Another Vacation Day

Today the girls stayed home and had a playdate with Abigail in the morning, and then Imogene took them out to lunch. Tonight, A went to the ballet with Grandma Sandy (and tomorrow, M is going to the ballet with…

Categories April 2012

Cute Scans

The girls had an easy day at home today – piano lessons in the morning (and recital prep) and then home until they had to go to rehearsal. Rehearsal was from 3:30-7 (though it ended a little early and they…

Categories April 2012

Massanutten Water Park

I had a special day with the girls today. We woke up and went to Massanutten – about 2 1/2 hours away – so that they could swim at the waterpark there. It was really fun. We arrived there around…

Categories April 2012

April Fool’s Day

Today is April Fool's Day. Daddy has been the major target of April Fool's Day jokes. Here is how he got had today: M & A brought up some drinks for us this morning. But what looked like apple juice…