Categories April 2013


Another sad day in America. Another day of just wanting to get home to hug the kids. The girls had a quiet day at home. They were supposed to go to a soccer clinic this morning, but the weather was…

Categories April 2013

Spring Weekend

This weekend was… tiring. Long. Fun at times. Busy. Here's what we did… Girls got up Saturday and hustled off to ballet. They were tired after a late bedtime (shocker) on Friday night. But they made it, with buns, and…

Categories April 2013

Happy Boy

The girls do not have school on Monday or Tuesday next week, so they are embarking on a four-day weekend. Lucky girls. On tap this weekend: ballet in the morning, baseball practice at noon, and baseball game at the oh-so-convenient…

Categories April 2013

Homework Time

Imogene took the little boy to the park this afternoon, and she said that he spent the WHOLE time sitting on the blanket, looking around, eating Cheerios, having a bottle and wearing a hat. He never tried to crawl off…

Categories April 2013

Walk With My Boys

Tonight the girls had an extra-long ballet class (with a tacked-on rehearsal for the Spring Performance at the end), so when I got home from work I took N and Lucky for a walk over to Grandma Sandy's. N had…

Categories April 2013

What a Weekend!

We had a very full and fun weekend. Here is what happened: On Friday, Daddy took the girls in the afternoon to the National Museum of American History. They saw the First Ladies' Dresses, the ruby slippers from The Wizard…

Categories April 2013


Here are some funny Alexaisms from recent weeks. She said, "Mommy, you're a pushover. And I mean that as a compliment." She said, "Piggy and Bunny are the best things that every happened to me." She tricked M into thinking…